I created this two-color design using high-contrast found art imported into Adobe Illustrator and two overlapping many-pointed stars (one big, one small) made using that program.
I printed out the two colors as separate artwork—the kitten and mouse on one page and the stars, with the cat and mouse area blocked out, on another.
I used a Japanese Print Gocco home silkscreen printer to make the cards, printing first the stars in metallic gold and then the small creatures in black. Gocco printers can only print one copy of one color at a time, so producing cards for all my recipients took a little while. Gocco printing is fun though! Instant design gratification. I printed the design on thick watercolor paper with a slight texture to make it visually interesting and feel nice in the hand, but not so much that the ink didn’t lay down evenly.
I still have the Gocco printer (in fact, I have two) which is a good thing as the manufacturer stopped making them in 2008. You can get Gocco supplies on eBay though, but they’re pretty expensive.