I make these wall calendars every year with one big image in the background or twelve themed images in alternating squares.
I note the birthdays of friends and relatives (and cats) with their name on the date plus a bright gold star behind it. (To protect privacy I’ve changed them all to “Name” here, but you get the idea.)
My 2018 calendar features images of month numbers—the more varied the reference, the better.
- January – 1 Schilling Austrian postage stamp
- February – 2 on a countdown light from somewhere
- March – 3 giraffes!
- April – Ancient Sumerian 4
- May – 5 on fire
- June – 6 o’clock
- July – ASL 7
- August – neon 8
- September – Roman numeral 9 in rhinestones
- October – 10 of spades
- November – dirty enameled 11
- December – folded paper 12 with red filter