Nicely done beginner’s guide to iOS design

By Ben Taylor from As someone who does work on both the development and design side of iOS apps I find that many designers struggle with the transition to UI work, or with the different processes involved in iPhone and iPad app design. In this guide I’ll describe the deliverables you’ll be expected to […]
If you want to see the future of software UI design, look to the history of print design

This interesting article from posits that stylistic design choices follow from the limitations of their hardware or production: Like many trends in technical areas, interaction design is being led by technical ability. 8bit games looked 8bit-y, because of limited colour palettes and giant pixels. 16bit games looked 16bit-y because of better colour abilities and […]
The best resources for learning bleeding-edge web, UI and UX design

Great ideas for web, UI and UX design from Colm Tuite, a great authority, on, a great site. Here’s a pretty good resource for learning UX/UI design, if I do say so myself. There is a difference between UI design and UX design. There is a lot of overlap though, so I’ll try to bundle […]