Patti Smith ( is an American singer, songwriter, poet, painter, author and photographer who’s still rocking at 77 years old. She’s been fighting for the right side of history longer than most of us have been alive. Please share this (with credits)! COMMIT to doing political work to organize and fight! COMBAT the forces that […]
Philatelic Font Friday

Aaaaghhh! Michael Russem at Kat Ran Press beat me to this idea. His extensive collection of stamps designed by type designers, and musings thereupon, was started in 1999. Here are some highlights.
Flesh-Free Font Friday

Skeletons! A classic Halloween visual. Here’s a skeleton font from a new-to-me source: home machine embroidery. How the embroidery works: you install software from a website or disk and it tells your home embroidery machine—your enhanced sewing machine or dedicated device—how to make the letterforms or designs. This alphabet was developed by and is […]
Flesh Font Friday (NSFW)

From designboom: a series of ethereal photographs by greek artist anastasia mastrakouli utilizes the nude human form to highlight the dialectical relationship between anatomy and visual art. each image is the product of an experimental performance, rendered as a composition of a silhouette and surface while conforming to the shape of the english alphabet. cut […]
‘F is for The Flash’ Font Friday

Alphabet created by Simon Koay, from Superbet ‘Superbet’ is a typographic exploration of alphabet design by reimagining each letter of the alphabet as everyone’s favourite superheroes and supervillains. Each letter has been created with inspiration from characters who share that same initial in their name.These would be great for kids, or as CNet put it, “perfect for any bedroom wall or […]
‘Comic Papyrus’: A Typeface Combo of the Two Loathed Fonts Papyrus and Comic Sans

By Justin Page from Laughing Squid. Papyrus and Comic Sans are two widely available typefaces that are often said to be overused and criticized by graphic designers. Artist Rob Barth of the Barth and Co design firm took it into his own hands earlier this year to create a typeface combo, appropriately titled “Comic Papyrus,” […]
Four or Five Fonts Friday

Combining fonts is an art rather than a science, but there are basics that will help you make decisions. has some ideas. (Not to be confused with my blog post Font-Pairs Font Friday, which suggests five websites for AI-generated two-font pairings.) Four Techniques for Combining Fonts Building a palette is an intuitive process, and […]
Filament Font Friday

Tesla Font, a Free Font “The inspiration for this typeface was found in the circuitry of lightbulb filament and wiring intricately crossing paths.” DOWNLOAD TESLA ALTERNATE HERE
Feuilles Font Friday

Oratorical Type, An Alphabet Made out of Carved Books From Laughing Squid by EDW Lynch
Flying Font Friday 1

Also see my post Flying Font Friday 2, about typeforms found in butterfly wings. Why the Same Three Typefaces Are Used In Almost Every Airport From Gizmodo by Alissa Walker Wayfinding signage is an invisible network draped upon our public places. And that network has to work especially hard in airports when we’re lost, hungry, […]
Federal Font Friday

By Tom Vanderbilt from a February 2004 article on Courier, Dispatched: How the Federal Government—more specifically, U.S. State Department—put the kibosh on the typewriter font. In late January [2004], an announcement from the U.S. State Department generated certain chatter along the generally indiscernible diplomatic-typographic axis. This was the news that as of February 1, […]
Botanical Typography Made With Flowers Frozen In Ice

By Kelly Koo from DesignTaxi: “You can create typography from anything,” says Petra Blahova, a graphic designer based in Kendal, UK. Blahova’s beautiful typographical series, “My Garden”, was made by freezing colorful flowers and fruits in alphabetical ice cubes. Each bit of botany was carefully arranged according to the contours of the alphabets.
“Hanging by a serif” by John D. Berry

A big shoutout to my friend John D. Berry, whose book Hanging by a serif has just been released. Click on the pages for a closer look. Hanging by a serif A few words about designing with words Text & design by John D. Berry A small book of epigrams, insights on the […]
Fingers Font Friday – A Handy History of Typography

This charming and informative overview of type from Gutenberg to the computer uses letterforms meticulously cut from red, black and white paper. A pair of hands introduces the type, moves it into place, then whisks it offscreen. Truly a labor of love. [Click for video]
National Geographic’s Cartographic Typefaces

By Juan Valdes from Our maps have long been known for their distinctive typefaces. But few outside the Society know little of the history that lies behind them. Until the early 1930s, most of our maps were hand-lettered—a slow and tedious process requiring great patience and even greater skill. An alternate process—that of setting names […]
Fearsome Font Friday

In celebration of the SyFy network’s world-class, glorious horror movie “Sharknado” (see my previous post, ‘”Sharknado” saves the Summer!’), today we have three fearsome fonts guaranteed to strike terror into the hearts of all who behold them.
Extreme Typographic Nerdery, Part 1: Making Sense of Type Classification

By Joseph Alessio from In my previous article on Smashing Magazine (“Understanding the Difference Between Typography and Lettering”), I wrote about how understanding type terminology can help us better appreciate the arts of typography and lettering. This article again deals with terminology, probably more specifically than most designers are used to, and the title […]
Type-o-philes Scour NYC for Urban Signage Project

By Jakob Schiller from [Ed. Entertainingly, this article was originally titled “Type-o-PATHS Scour NYC for Urban Signage Project.”] New York City is such a sensory overload, it’s easy to miss the details — like the graphical symphony of typography that’s playing under your visual field. aims to bring that symphony to the surface […]
20 Inspiring Typography Based Web Designs

From Typography is surely a very important element of web design. A website must have a good typographic that makes visitor to interpret its content. It’s becoming easier and easier, with better technologies, for designers to utilize great typography in their website designs. Few weeks ago, we have posted an article regarding vintage style […]
Free fonts from

Free fonts from [Full article with many more fonts]
Typography from House Industries: “Alphabets & Things”

Worthe Numerals as fonts or Photo-Lettering settings. Step right up to Barnum over your photos in the Photo-Lettering App. [Full article]
Responsive Typography is a Physical Discipline, But Your Computer Doesn’t Know It (Yet)

By Nick Sherman in Typography & Web Fonts via A List Apart: For ideal typography, web designers need to know as much as possible about each user’s reading environment. That may seem obvious, but the act of specifying web typography is currently like ordering slices of pizza without knowing how large the slices are or what […]