The Roaring ‘Twenties: an interactive exploration of the historical soundscape of New York City

An interactive website by historian Emily Thompson exploring the aural atmosphere of New York City in the 1920s. [See also my post “Peddlers, jackhammers, whistles: Historian Emily Thompson lets you hear the sounds of life in 1920s New York City.”] Website Editor’s Introduction A visitor to my home in Los Angeles recently commented on the […]
Peddlers, jackhammers, whistles: Historian Emily Thompson lets you hear the sounds of life in 1920s New York City

By Brett Tomlinson from the December 4, 2013, issue of the Princeton Alumni Weekly Peter Murphy In her freshman seminar, Emily Thompson (Princeton Graduate School ’92) plays records on old phonographs to provide an authentic sound. The streets of New York City in the late 1920s featured a cacophony of sounds — some old, many new. […]