Beloved ISS Commander Chris Hadfield Is Retiring

By Robert T. Gonzalez from So long, Commander Hadfield – and thanks for all the awesome! Tonight at 7:08 ET, Commander Chris Hadfield – one of the most charismatic Commanders in the history of the International Space Station – will return … Read… Chris Hadfield – Canadian astronaut (the first to ever serve as […]
Why Social Media Is the Front Line of Disaster Response

An infographic from Hurricane Sandy, but equally relevant in the aftermath of the Oklahoma tornado yesterday. By Zoe Fox from Nearly one million people are affected by natural disasters each year. In the U.S. alone, some 400 people die from disasters that cost the economy $17.6 billion. Helping respond to these cataclysmic events, social […]
Infographic: The 7 Types of Digital Marketers

Which are you? The Data Whiz, the e-Artiste, the Social Media Master, the Beta Tester, the Marketing Megaphone, the Old School Advertiser or the Snarky Marketer? Infographic by Optify.
“I love these guys, they make data fun: Zehnder Communications”

By Nancy Sharon Collins from DesignEnvy: New Orleans has two seasons: hurricane and festival. That’s it. Take your pick. Zehnder Communications—my favorite cross-media agency here—has recently announced “State of the Listen” (#TheStateOfTheListen or SOTL) to track social media buzz for everything from festivals, such as Tales of the Cocktail and New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, to worldwide events like […]
From Smashing Magazine, a social media images generator

Useful sizing and image generator for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and more — including less-common media such as Xing and Viadeo. Social Media Images generator, including avatars and profile images for various social networks. [Full article]