A Selfie on the Edge of Space

By Glen Tickle from Laughing Squid: A recent episode of the series Seeker Stories explains how photographer Christopher Michel was able to take a selfie at the age of space. While on assignment, Michel was given the opportunity to fly in a Lockheed U-2 spy plane that provided him some impressive views of the Earth.
New Cloud Magically Appears Inside a San Francisco Room

By alice from mymodernmet.com: By now, you’re all familiar with the name Berndnaut Smilde, the Dutch artist who magically makes clouds appear inside rooms. His latest work took him to the Green Room of the Veterans Building in downtown San Francisco where he let Julia Wilczok and Maria Judice of Avant/Garde Diaries shoot him and […]
Unsuspecting People Get a Live Photoshopped Surprise

By Charlie White from Mashable.com: Take a look at the priceless reactions of these people who are secretly photographed while waiting for a bus, and then Photoshopped into amusing positions and implied relationships. It’s part of a “street retouch” stunt by Adobe, featuring quick-draw Photoshop master Erik Johansson. We especially liked the way people’s “street […]
Meet the ‘Glasshole’

http://youtu.be/qGxLkaCdpLc By Dylan Love from BusinessInsider.com: You should watch this video, which comes to us via CNET. There are only so many Google Glass units out there now, but imagine a world where they’re even more plentiful than the smartphone — to not have one is to be less than whole. Then you might very […]
Memoto Camera Logs Your Life

From MIT Technology Review: [Video] Logging Life with a Lapel Camera A startup believes people will want a photographic record of their lives, taken at 30-second intervals. “We want to provide people with a perfect photographic memory,” says Martin Källström, CEO of Memoto. His startup is creating a tiny clip-on camera that takes a picture […]
Stampsy: Use easy touch tools to create and share beautiful online experiences

The Stamspy app looks like a great way to share slideshows of portfolio images, advertising and more. Here’s how it works: Stamp: A Stamp is the unit of content you create on Stampsy. It can have up to 10 pages. A background grid helps you create well-balanced designs. Tools: Add images, enter text, arrange them […]