An Elephant-Octopus Mural on the Streets of London by Alexis Diaz

From, July 23, 2013: This awesome hybrid elephant-octopus was just completed this week by Puerto Rican artist Alexis Diaz. Comprised of thousands of tiny brushstrokes, the mural took a week to paint and you can see it yourself on Hanbury Street off Brick Lane. Running on Cargo Londres, Inglaterra CONTACT Londres, Inglaterra Vienna, Austria […]
Undervalued Inventor Nikola Tesla’s 157th Birthday

Nikola Tesla, unlike contemporaneous inventor Thomas Edison, was unconcerned with fame and financial gain. Edison co-opted many of his inventions. An innovators’ group in Nebraska has painted a mural of Nikola Tesla’s life and work on their building: This mural, dedicated to the life of Nikola Tesla, is freshly painted on the outside of our […]