A Second Life in a Second Language: A Change of Language for a Writer Is a Dangerous Thing
![Illustration: "Later that day, just when everything had [undecipherable text] into a giant ball of flames."](https://www.nicolaginzler.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/second-language-writers.jpg)
By Costica Bradatan from newyorktimes.com: In her exploration of the Catholic religion, “Letter to a Priest,” written the year before her death in 1943, Simone Weil noticed at some point that “for any man a change of religion is as dangerous a thing as a change of language is for a writer. It may turn […]
Social Networking in the 1600s

By Tom Standage from the New York Times Sunday Review: Men enjoying a drink and a chat in a 17th-century coffeehouse. (Hulton Archive/Getty Images) LONDON — SOCIAL networks stand accused of being enemies of productivity. According to one popular (if questionable) infographic circulating online, the use of Facebook, Twitter and other such sites at work […]
Penguin Books has released new covers of five of George Orwell’s works

My personal opinion about the cover of Nineteen Eighty-Four: Beautiful conceptual design with its “redacted” look, but the type isn’t visible except when held in your hand, so the effect is completely lost on a bookstore shelf or online. By Mark Sinclair from CreativeReview: Brand new covers for five of George Orwell’s works feature in […]