1510 Font Friday

From the Public Domain Review. See also my post 1595 Font Friday. 16th-Century Pattern Book for Scribes (ca. 1510) This scribal pattern book—dated to around 1510 from Swabia, Germany—was made by Gregorius Bock and is addressed to his cousin Heinrich Lercher Wyss, who was the official scribe of the duchy of Württemberg, most likely put […]
The Design Style of Classic Paperback Novels Used to Promote the Benefits of a Library Card

From the Pinal County, Arizona Library District: September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month. Created by the American Library Association, this month is intended to raise awareness of the benefits of libraries and library cards. In order to celebrate the numerous perks of library cards to communities and individuals, the Pinal County Library District has […]
Mysterious paper sculptures carved from books

From thisiscentralstation.com: Those of you who don’t keep up with Edinburgh’s literary world through Twitter may have missed the recent spate of mysterious paper sculptures appearing around the city. [Nicola’s note: This post is from 2011 but the story is still wonderful.] One day in March, staff at the Scottish Poetry Library came across a […]