Vanish from the Internet with This One-Stop Website

From Even if you’re not Edward Snowden, there are times when excising your social media presence is necessary. Companies usually don’t make it easy, though, often hiding the delete button inside myriad confusing menus and settings. Save some time and bookmark, a new page that collects direct links for killing various accounts dead […]
The Hut Where the Internet Began

Alexis Madrigal for The Atlantic: Let’s start at the end point: what you’re doing right now. You are pulling information from a network onto a screen, enhancing your embodied experience with a communication web filled with people and machines. You do this by pointing and clicking, tapping a few commands and organizing your thoughts into […]
English is no longer the language of the web

By Ethan Zuckerman from Conventional wisdom suggests that English is becoming “the world’s second language,” a lingua franca that many forward—looking organizations are adopting it as a working language. Optimists about the spread of English as a global second language suggest it will enable collaboration and ease problem solving without threatening the survival of […]