‘F is for Fox’ Font Friday

This lovely animal alphabet was created by Marcus Reed, a UK-based illustrator and designer. You can buy prints of the alphabet here. Each letter is represented by a drawing of an animal whose name begins with that letter, in the shape of the letter.
Family Font Friday

Fun fonts from family films! Via fontmeme.com. Here are five titles but there are many more. Marley & Me Font Marley & Me font here refers to the font used in the poster of Marley & Me, which is a 2008 American comedy drama movie about the adorable but naughty and neurotic dog, Marley, from […]
Fuller Folies Font Friday

The Folies Bergère is a cabaret music hall, located in Paris, France. Established in 1869, the house was at the height of its fame and popularity from the 1890s’ Belle Époque through the 1920s’ Années folles. (See my post about the Folies facade here.) Loie (Loïe) Fuller was an American modern dancer and choreographer who […]
Exhibition showcases artist’s highly intricate, hand-drawn maps

Incredible maps take on subterranean London, Thomas More’s 1516 book Utopia. By Olivia Solon from wired.co.uk: Artist Stephen Walter has a solo exhibition [in London] showcasing his intricate hand-drawn maps, including two of London and one that revisits Thomas More’s fictional island state of Utopia. In addition to cartography, Walker has created a series of […]