Tiny Festive Party Hats Made of Yarn For Cats, Dogs, and Guinea Pigs

I try very hard not to post about cats, but this is too good to pass up. By Rusty Blazenhoff from LaughingSquid.com: South Carolina-based Meredith Yarborough crochets tiny but very festive party hats for cats, dogs, and guinea pigs. They are all available to purchase at her Etsy shop iheartneedlework.
Late Arrivals, Goldfish, and Guinea Pigs: Unofficial Soldiers’ Clubs of WWII

From Slate.com‘s history blog, the Vault: During World War II, soldiers serving in Allied armies formed several exclusive clubs honoring troops who survived harrowing ordeals. Though unofficial, these clubs offered a morale boost to their members, as well as to other soldiers, as proof that survival—against all odds—was possible. The Caterpillar Club, which was first […]