Carpet designer threatens cosplayers with legal action

By Gavia Baker-Whitelaw from Sometimes, dressing as your favorite superhero or cartoon character just isn’t enough. So at Internet culture convention DragonCon, cosplay often crosses the line into in-joke absurdity. Like dressing up as a rug. One of this year’s highlights was a pair of intrepid cosplayers who dressed up as the memorably psychedelic […]
English is no longer the language of the web

By Ethan Zuckerman from Conventional wisdom suggests that English is becoming “the world’s second language,” a lingua franca that many forward—looking organizations are adopting it as a working language. Optimists about the spread of English as a global second language suggest it will enable collaboration and ease problem solving without threatening the survival of […]
Social Networking in the 1600s

By Tom Standage from the New York Times Sunday Review: Men enjoying a drink and a chat in a 17th-century coffeehouse. (Hulton Archive/Getty Images) LONDON — SOCIAL networks stand accused of being enemies of productivity. According to one popular (if questionable) infographic circulating online, the use of Facebook, Twitter and other such sites at work […]
Why Social Media Is the Front Line of Disaster Response

An infographic from Hurricane Sandy, but equally relevant in the aftermath of the Oklahoma tornado yesterday. By Zoe Fox from Nearly one million people are affected by natural disasters each year. In the U.S. alone, some 400 people die from disasters that cost the economy $17.6 billion. Helping respond to these cataclysmic events, social […]
From Smashing Magazine, a social media images generator

Useful sizing and image generator for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and more — including less-common media such as Xing and Viadeo. Social Media Images generator, including avatars and profile images for various social networks. [Full article]