The Weirdest-Looking Time Machines in All Science Fiction

From If you’re going to travel through time, you’ve got to do it in style. Here are some of the most eye-poppingly great time machine designs from pop culture history. The Project Tic-Toc, a secret experimental time machine of the U.S. Army in Time Tunnel (1966-1967) (via Friday87central and xtimeline) The Time Sled from […]
Neil Gaiman novel inspires Portsmouth street name

By Alison Flood from “The Ocean at the End of the Lane” will become a road as well as a read, as Portsmouth City Council honor homegrown novelist Neil Gaiman. Street smarts … Neil Gaiman. Photograph: Murdo MacLeod for the Guardian From the Carnegie medal to the Hugos, Neil Gaiman has won armfuls of […]
Geekster Eggs: 13 Wonderfully Geeky Easter Eggs

From While most geeks are probably more involved with digital Easter eggs, decorated chicken ova are still popular forms of nerdy expression. We’ve rounded up 13 of the best Easter eggs we could find, and present them here for you, our gentle readers. Amongst them you’ll see familiar faces and homages to Mass Effect, […]