Wantful.com: Beautifully designed merchandise (also, expensive and a little silly)

Wantful.com: “Exceptional Products, Perfect Gifts” in these categories: Home / Food & Wine / Outdoor / Hers / His
Great phone homescreen hacks

A constantly-updated resource of phone homescreen hacks with instructions detailing how the creators made them. Everything from gaming characters to Grumpy Cat. [Full article]
Fantastic post from designer Meng To: How Writing Makes You a Better Designer

Expressing your thoughts through design is great, but is it enough? Can you become a better designer by writing? Designer Meng To thinks yes. Writing Makes Me A Better Designer About a month ago, I decided to start a new discipline: write a short piece about design every day using Day One, which has a […]
If you want to see the future of software UI design, look to the history of print design

This interesting article from bjango.com posits that stylistic design choices follow from the limitations of their hardware or production: Like many trends in technical areas, interaction design is being led by technical ability. 8bit games looked 8bit-y, because of limited colour palettes and giant pixels. 16bit games looked 16bit-y because of better colour abilities and […]
Kolbrun – “REVIVIFY” fashion collection

Stunning clothing designs reblogged from Daniel Thorsteinsson. REVIVIFY is a fashion collection A/W 2012-2013 by icelandic fashion designer KOLBRUN. The concept of the collection was to recycle furniture into fashionable clothing. [Full article]