David Bowie himself Tweets to Chris Hadfield about his cover of “Space Oddity”

David Bowie Official @DavidBowieReal 12 May CHRIS HADFIELD SINGS SPACE ODDITY IN SPACE! “Hallo Spaceboy…” Commander Chris Hadfield, currently on… http://fb.me/24sZNW5ly Retweeted by David Bowie Official View media Chris Hadfield @Cmdr_Hadfield 12 May With deference to the genius of David Bowie, here’s Space Oddity, recorded on Station. A last glimpse of the World. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaOC9danxNo …
The New York Times reports on Chris Hadfield’s “Space Oddity” video

Astronaut Covers ‘Space Oddity’ From Space By Robert Mackey The Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, who has documented his five months in charge of the International Space Station in great detail in Twitter photographs and YouTube videos, celebrated his last day aboard the craft by releasing an elaborately produced cover version of David Bowie’s “Space Oddity.” […]