Pastries Like You’ve Never Seen Before by Dinara Kasko

From Design Milk‘s weekly blog. Design Milk showcases architecture, art, home, interiors, and more. 06.30.17 Posted by Pinch Food Design Ukraine pastry chef Dinara Kasko breaks the mold with her artistic approach to baking cakes. Using 3D printing technology she not only creates never before seen cake forms, but she then delights you with pastry surprises when […]
(Batman) Forever Font Friday

From 3D print vendor JB Cookie Cutters, cookie cutters in the shapes of the “Batman Forever” font! Really! You can use these with cookie dough, with fondant to decorate the cake of a lucky child (or adult), or with any rolled material. The “Q” is backwards, but nobody’s perfect.
Nooooo! It are my birthday!

My birthday today! I get cake, even if kitties don’t.
Jupiter Structural Layer Cake

By When I posted the Earth cake, I did not expect it to get anywhere near the amount of attention it received. Getting featured on the Facebook pages Think Geek and I Fucking Love Science was a total highlight of my blogging life. I’m big fans of both pages so it was kind of […]
Mr. Bunny Goes to Work

Chalk street art by prolific artist David Zinn: Hare: the Happy Epilogue Friends + cake = jazz-handed happiness. “Hear me! I speak for the Goaterbil!”