Future Font Friday 1

A handy how-to to make any word look like it’s from [cue theremin music] THE FUTURE! Via Dave Addey at Typeset in the Future. I’ll be watching his blog for more posts on sci-fi type. How To Make Your Text Look Futuristic We’ve already seen how Eurostile Bold Extended is spectacularly effective at establishing a movie’s timeframe. But if […]
The Weirdest-Looking Time Machines in All Science Fiction

From io9.com: If you’re going to travel through time, you’ve got to do it in style. Here are some of the most eye-poppingly great time machine designs from pop culture history. The Project Tic-Toc, a secret experimental time machine of the U.S. Army in Time Tunnel (1966-1967) (via Friday87central and xtimeline) The Time Sled from […]