What iOS 7 Should Look Like

Sigh. Apple’s garish new iOS 7 is deservedly getting terrible reviews all over designer-dom. Here’s one, with suggested redesigns from TristanEdwards.com: When Apple recently showed how they had redesigned iOS, I was shocked like many other UI designers. Not because it was “flat” (we all expected it to lose some of its skeumorphic elements) but […]
Smartphone Tracker Gives Doctors Remote Viewing Powers

By Tom Simonite from MIT Technology Review: View full report: Data science and personal information are converging to shape the Internet’s most powerful and surprising consumer products. Here’s the smartphone technology that alerts a doctor when patients are headed for trouble. Tracking you: The Ginger.io app tries to detect health changes by monitoring a person’s […]
Interactive Map of the Internet App by Peer 1

From laughingsquid.com: (Click here for interactive map) Peer 1 Hosting has created an interactive Map of the Internet app that lets users explore the internet’s infrastructure. The app displays a global view, a network view, and a chronological view that shows the evolution of the internet from 1994 to today and even predicts what the […]