Fold-Up Font Friday

Want a folded paper 3D alphabet? Of course you do! Check out this extruded origami text pattern generator. This free web-based tool generates your text as a fold-up extruded 3D origami model. It’s based on this paper from Erik Demaine, Martin Demaine, and Jason Ku at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. [From […]
Phone Font Friday: A Glowing Font Created by Waving an iPhone in the Dark

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Forgotten Font Friday

A lovely type-related article from Atlas Obscura, chroniclers of the strange and wonderful. The Lost Typefaces of W.A. Dwiggins The pioneering designer created dozens of fonts, only a few of which are still around today. By CARA GIAIMO for Atlas Obscura
Fake Font Friday 3

Today we salute fonts that fake text itself. Microdot replaces every character with the placeholder rectangle from regular fonts, and Blokk replaces characters with horizontal lines. Type in either font gives the effect of a block of copy (or headline) without distracting the viewer with content. Both are great for making wireframes or mockups. Not […]
Funny Font Friday 2

From the Public Domain Review. See also my post Funny Font Friday 1, some silly movies and their fonts. The Funny Alphabet (ca.1850) Funny alphabet; ca.1850; McLoughlin Bro’s publishers, New York. A delightful little alphabet book in which the letters are made up from acrobatically contorted bodies, and the accompanying text from often equally contorted […]
Flora Fauna Faces Font Friday

From the Public Domain Review This 17th-century alphabet seems to show grotesque vegetation, animals and even humans in its forms, reminiscent of DeepDream imaging. An Alphabet of Organic Type (ca.1650) A series of stunning prints – titled Libellus Novus Elementorum Latinorum – designed by the Polish goldsmith Jan Christian Bierpfaff (1600-ca.1690) and engraved by […]
‘F is for Fox’ Font Friday

This lovely animal alphabet was created by Marcus Reed, a UK-based illustrator and designer. You can buy prints of the alphabet here. Each letter is represented by a drawing of an animal whose name begins with that letter, in the shape of the letter.
‘Phics Font Friday

Hierogly-PHICS, that is. I know, I know, it’s a reach, but this is cool and it was hard to think of an applicable real word starting with an “f” sound. From My Modern Met. Colorful Chart Reveals Evolution of English Alphabet From Egyptian Hieroglyphics By Emma Taggart on January 25, 2019
1595 Font Friday

From the Public Domain Review. See also my post 1510 Font Friday. Hoefnagel’s Guide to Constructing the Letters (ca. 1595) Joris Hoefnagel (1542 – 1600) was a pivotal figure in the history of Dutch art, playing an important role both in the latter stages of the Flemish illumination tradition and the birth of the new […]
1510 Font Friday

From the Public Domain Review. See also my post 1595 Font Friday. 16th-Century Pattern Book for Scribes (ca. 1510) This scribal pattern book—dated to around 1510 from Swabia, Germany—was made by Gregorius Bock and is addressed to his cousin Heinrich Lercher Wyss, who was the official scribe of the duchy of Württemberg, most likely put […]
Flesh Font Friday 2

From A Beautiful Book: On Books, Streets & Migrant Footprints: A beautiful alphabet, from Anus to Tarsals. An anatomical alphabet, made for William Cowpers Myotomia reformata. London 1724
Fake Font Friday 2

From Christian Naths at GitHub: More fun dummy text to download and use! Not to be confused with my posts Fake Font Friday 1, Fake Font Friday 3 and Fake Font Friday 4. Redacted: A Font for Web and Desktop Redacted Regular
Fabric Font Friday

I saw this framed fabric at Britex Fabrics in San Francisco. Britex is an amazing emporium of all things fabric, from single buttons to $200-a-yard sequinned loveliness. Yes, I know, I should get a bunch of the font fabric and upholster my house in it!
Flesh-Free Font Friday

Skeletons! A classic Halloween visual. Here’s a skeleton font from a new-to-me source: home machine embroidery. How the embroidery works: you install software from a website or disk and it tells your home embroidery machine—your enhanced sewing machine or dedicated device—how to make the letterforms or designs. This alphabet was developed by and is […]
Flesh Font Friday (NSFW)

From designboom: a series of ethereal photographs by greek artist anastasia mastrakouli utilizes the nude human form to highlight the dialectical relationship between anatomy and visual art. each image is the product of an experimental performance, rendered as a composition of a silhouette and surface while conforming to the shape of the english alphabet. cut […]
‘F is for The Flash’ Font Friday

Alphabet created by Simon Koay, from Superbet ‘Superbet’ is a typographic exploration of alphabet design by reimagining each letter of the alphabet as everyone’s favourite superheroes and supervillains. Each letter has been created with inspiration from characters who share that same initial in their name.These would be great for kids, or as CNet put it, “perfect for any bedroom wall or […]
Fake Font Friday 1

Just a quick visual so you know why their handwriting looks like that: Not to be confused with my posts Fake Font 2, Fake Font 3 or Fake Font 4. Link to larger size. Created by Orion Champadiyil (web, Twitter).
Forgotten Font Friday

A lovely type-related article from Atlas Obscura, chroniclers of the strange and wonderful. The Lost Typefaces of W.A. Dwiggins The pioneering designer created dozens of fonts, only a few of which are still around today. By CARA GIAIMO for Atlas Obscura
(Batman) Forever Font Friday

From 3D print vendor JB Cookie Cutters, cookie cutters in the shapes of the “Batman Forever” font! Really! You can use these with cookie dough, with fondant to decorate the cake of a lucky child (or adult), or with any rolled material. The “Q” is backwards, but nobody’s perfect.
Font Film Font Friday

See also Film Fonts Friday 1; Film Font Friday, Wes Anderson Edition; (Bond) Film Font Friday; and (Oscar) Film Font Friday An homage to Times New Roman, a typeface designed for The [London] Times in 1931 and used everywhere since. From the Unquiet Film Series.
Feuilles Font Friday

Oratorical Type, An Alphabet Made out of Carved Books From Laughing Squid by EDW Lynch
Fish Food Font Friday

Dion Star’s Marine Debris Typeface is made from sea debris that has washed up on the shore in England. One day while walking along the beach in England, Dion Star stumbled across a little green clothespin. Being a graphic designer, Star immediate realized that this pin was more than just a bit of litter that […]
Botanical Typography Made With Flowers Frozen In Ice

By Kelly Koo from DesignTaxi: “You can create typography from anything,” says Petra Blahova, a graphic designer based in Kendal, UK. Blahova’s beautiful typographical series, “My Garden”, was made by freezing colorful flowers and fruits in alphabetical ice cubes. Each bit of botany was carefully arranged according to the contours of the alphabets.