Fahrenheit Font Friday

Posted on The History Blog in 2012, but still SO COOL, from both type and history perspectives. Third original Fahrenheit thermometer surfaces An original mercury thermometer made by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, inventor of the mercury thermometer and creator of the temperature scale that bears his name, is going up for sale at Christie’s Travel, Science and Natural […]
Funeral Font Friday 1

A number of type foundries have font selections suggested for funerals and other solemn occasions. Once you think of it, it seems obvious, but I found it a little startling. Linotype’s Funeral Value Pack includes five solemn fonts appropriate for the setting of death and funeral announcements. Each of the typefaces offers its own unique appearance. […]
Fhtagn Font Friday 2

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn* Hailed as “A Cthulhuian Font You Can Download and Use to Summon Strange Beings,” NeatoGeek presents a quasi-cuneiform alphabet for your delectation. (See also my previous post, Fhtagn Font Friday 1.) The original post is below, but sadly, the font is no longer linked. You can find the type […]
Fhtagn Font Friday 1

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn* Howard Phillips Lovecraft was an early-20th-century writer of American supernatural horror fiction. Despite personal traits of racism, misogyny and anti-semitism, he managed to create some of the most significant works in early horror. Lovecraft’s literary corpus is based around the idea of cosmicism, which was simultaneously his personal philosophy and […]
Feather Font Friday, or the Quill Pen

Here are some tidbits about that venerable writing instrument, the quill pen. I’ve used a quill pen only a couple of times (messily), and am deeply impressed by people, past and present, with the talent and commitment to practicing to make letterforms easily and well. Here’s an account of one modern-day quill pen enthusiast, and […]
Far Away Font Friday: National Geographic’s Cartographic Typefaces

By Juan Valdes from nationalgeographic.com [Ed.: link is not valid.] From the article: Our maps have long been known for their distinctive typefaces. But few outside the Society know little of the history that lies behind them. Until the early 1930s, most of our maps were hand-lettered—a slow and tedious process requiring great patience and even greater skill. […]
First Sans Serif Font Friday

Today’s Font Friday is about the first sans-serif typefaces in history and in the modern era, from the fascinating site “Graphic Design History.” The site has a vast amount of thoughtfully-organized information. Says site creator Nancy Stock-Allen, M.F.A.: This site was first put on the web in 1999 as a quick outline of my lectures […]
Fried Font Friday

From the Handmade Font website: Eggs Font. Put Eggs Letters In One Basket “The Eggs Font was a challenge for us (just imagine how many eggs were fried for this unique font) and now it’s a new quest for all food typography lovers: you need to buy eggs letters and put them in one appetizing […]
Phys.org Font Friday

From the magazine Phys.org. This is from a while ago—2013, in fact—but still really interesting. Scientists use electron ‘ink’ to write on graphene ‘paper’ by Lisa Zyga, Phys.org (Phys.org)—Nanoscale writing offers a reliable way to record information at extremely high densities, making it a promising tool for patterning nanostructures for a variety of electronic applications. […]
Final F-U Friday: If You Really Hate Someone

From xkcd.com, naturally. On the final day of 2021, here’s how to ruin someone’s life forever, starting with January 1, 2022. Welcome to my world! ::cackles evilly::
Festive Fonts Friday (Christmas Eve Edition)

Here are some free festive fonts from dafont.com for your holiday use! (There are lots more at the link.) Not to be confused with my post Festive Font Friday (Tuesday Solstice Edition). Kingthings Christmas by Kingthings site Download Santa’s Sleigh by HypoTypo Download Candy Cane by Michel Bujardet site Download Merry Xmas by imagex site […]
Festive Fonts Friday (Tuesday Solstice Edition)

Not to be confused with my post Festive Fonts Friday (Christmas Eve Edition), which will appear on Saturday the 25th. Image above: “Diagram of the Earth’s seasons as seen from the north.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solstice Tuesday, December 21 at 15:59 Universal Time is this year’s winter or summer solstice! (Former: Northern Hemisphere; latter: Southern Hemisphere.) UT is […]
How to make a cup of time

With a purchased clockwork mechanism, you can make a clock out of almost anything, but this is my favorite. Materials: A melamine cup. Melamine foodware was mostly made during the 50s and 60s so you can often find cups at thrift or vintage stores. You can also find modern-day melamine cups in camping or baby […]
Farhad’s Font Friday: Knife Typography by Farhad Moshiri

Life is Beautiful is a 2009 installation by Iranian artist Farhad Moshiri using hundreds of kitchen knives to create some exquisite typography. (via notcot) FARHAD MOSHIRI “Life is beautiful” 2009Knives / CouteauxDimensions according to space / 3,25 x 6,16 mPhotograph: © Guillaume ZiccarelliCourtesy: Galerie Perrotin, Hong Kong & Paris Born in 1963 in Shiraz, Iran (Islamic Republic of)Lives and works between Tehran, […]
High-speed camera system reveals what snow looks like in midair

These fluffy snowflakes, known as aggregates, form when snow crystals collide with other snow crystals. Many of these flakes also show some riming, or an icy coating. A new high-speed, three-camera system developed at the University of Utah made these pictures as the snowflakes fell. Credit: Tim Garrett, University of Utah University of Utah researchers […]
First Nations Font Thursday 2 — Thanksgiving/Day of Mourning

See also my posts First Nations Font Thursday 1 and First Nations Font Thursday 3. To many non-Native Americans, Thanksgiving Day is a celebration of family, friends and the founding of this country, and an opportunity to think about the things we’re grateful for. To many Native Americans, however, it is known as the Day […]
Filters Font Friday

Type descriptions and filters like the below find their way into my most fervid dreams. The talented and hardworking presentation designer Mimi Heft (https://www.mimiheftdesign.com/) told me about Ilovetypography.com. Hire her for all your presentation needs! Original post is at https://fonts.ilovetypography.com/cedars?mc_cid=b9d99d1a93&mc_eid=b2ec9d6f4f. CEDARS+ is a new and revolutionary way to describe type via formal characteristics resulting from […]
Fright Night Font Friday

From the awesome, fontacular website fontmeme: Fright Night font here refers to the font used in the poster title of Fright Night, a 3D comedy horror film released in 2011. The film is a remake of the 1985 film of the same name and revolves around a teenager called Charley Brewster, who suspects his new […]
Fear-Free Fur Font Friday, except no fonts and it’s Sunday: Halloween Safety Tips for Pets

Here’s my yearly push to keep your little furry ones safe on Halloween. From the ASPCA: Halloween can be the spookiest night of the year, but keeping your pets safe doesn’t have to be tricky. The ASPCA recommends taking these simple, common sense precautions to keep your pet happy and healthy all the way to […]
Furry, Feathered (and more) Arabic Font Friday

Architect and graphic designer Mahmoud Tammam has translated his love of word manipulation into a delightful series celebrating language. Based in Alexandria, Egypt, the creative started the project as a “personal challenge.” He explains*, “I manipulate Arabic words and transform them into their meaning, and I made a total of 40 illustrated words.” In addition, […]
From Foucault to Frida Font Friday: Cover designs for books that don’t exist (but should)

From io9.com, from an article that’s since been deleted: As part of his Masters of Branding study at the School of Visual Arts, Tyler Adam Smith is creating 100 covers for books that should be written, from goofy snarks at popular authors to imagined sequels to beloved books. Designer Debbie Millman, who chairs the branding […]
Feline Font Friday 3 — in honor of Lucy the Cat, also it’s Tuesday

My first, best, cat’s name was Lucy. Lucy was short for Lucifer—as in “luc” = “light” and “fer” = “bringer”—because of the joy she brought to my life. She was small and almost all black, with yellow-green eyes. I loved her more than I’ve ever loved anyone, cat or human, before or since. I had […]
Create-a-Font Friday

From fontmeme.com, more cool stuff: Below is a list of software that allows you to create and modify a font.
Featured Font Friday: The Improbable Resurrection of a Quirky, Once-Popular, Art Deco Font

By Steven Heller from TheAtlantic.com: Monotype U.K. Tens of thousands of more-or-less similar typefaces are currently available, yet designers continue to create new ones and revive old ones every day. The soon-to-be released Monotype Metro Nova, however, stands out as a notable resurrection of what was arguably a lost masterpiece by William Addison Dwiggins (a.k.a WAD […]
Fiery Font Friday

Ok, how cool is this? Look at all those fonts! Seriously, folks, that’s a lot of fonts, but there are so many they become kind of a pattern, and it somehow works. Don’t try this at home. With excellent commentary by Peiran Tan about Chinese fonts. Source: https://metalsharkplayer.wordpress.com License: All Rights Reserved. Typefaces Both the packaging and contents of tương […]
Phonetikana Font Friday

Clever font sneaks pronunciation guide for English speakers into Japanese katakana characters By Casey Baseel from Rocketnews24:
Phone Font Friday: A Glowing Font Created by Waving an iPhone in the Dark

From wired.com: Next >> View all
Flowing Font Friday

SoraNews24: “Bringing you yesterday’s news from Japan and Asia, today.” By Dale Roll SoraNews24 is a fun blog about, well, yesterday’s Japan and Asia news, today. A fair amount of it is aimed at people learning about Japanese language and writing. From an earlier blog post: Written Japanese uses three kinds of script. At the top […]
From Hell(vetica) Font Friday

Helvetica’s evil twin, Hellvetica, will haunt your nightmares “We wanted people to see this in the wild and be like, ‘What the HELL is wrong with my computer?’” says the typeface’s creator, Matthew Woodward. BY LILLY SMITH Hold your favorite graphic design tome close. We now know what the classic typeface Helvetica would look like […]
Flying Font Friday 2

From My Modern Met.com. Also see my post Flying Font Friday 1, about airport signage. Norwegian nature photographer Kjell Bloch Sandved has devoted his photographic career to capturing the beauty of the world we live in and along the way, amassed a collection of butterfly and moth images with interesting patterns on their wings. Sanved’s […]
Fightin’ Font Friday

The only people perhaps more obsessive than type designers are builders of model aircraft. TLai Enterprises offers a font for sale called AmarilloUSAF. With its straight lines and blocky look, AmarilloUSAF provides the correct, forthright feel of the real thing. AmarilloUSAF Pro—Enhanced US Air Force Aircraft Marking Font
Foreign Font Friday 2

Here’s a beautiful font inspired by the designers’ love of travel. Photographic images of destinations paired with a strong sans serif typeface create a unique and memorable look. See also Foreign Font Friday 1, about typefaces that have a foreign look. Around the World With Type by Rigved Sathe and Payal Jagwani We intend to […]
Feudal Font Friday

Tee hee.
Effacing Font Friday

By Margaret Rhodes from Wired magazine: Self-Censoring Font Redacts Words the Feds Are Watching For Seen, a font from designer Emil Kozole, recognizes National Security Agency spook words and blacks them out. Image credit: Emil Kozole
Fleurons Font Friday

A fleuron, or flower, is a decorative typographic character. The category of fleuron includes some characters that are not floral in design. Also known as a printer’s flower or floret. Flowers are in a category of characters known as ornaments or type ornaments. Scroll down or jump to here for a short essay on fleurons.
Found Font Friday

With regard to the surreptitious disposal and triumphant recovery of the Doves Type from London’s Thames River (from an article in typespec magazine): The Doves Type® revival. Not to be confused with my post Found Font Friday 2, about fonts created from lettering and signs found in the great outdoors. Raised from the dead: The Doves […]
14,000+ color names! Just type in a hex code

Smashing Magazine‘s Smashing Newsletter Issue #190 has this gem: more than 14,000 color names, accessible by entering a 6-digit hex code. Some examples below. Click on “quick! Find one of 14’000 color names!” to get the HTML, CSS, and JS code (see below). What comes to your mind when you hear terms like “Bright Nori”, […]
Fans Font Friday 3 – Art Deco

Here are some beautiful hand fans from the Art Deco era. Vintage Advertising Hand Fan – 666 Brand Salve A common use of imagery on hand fans seems to have been informational rather than just decoration. This one is for “666” brand remedy for everything from malaria to neuralgia. The stylized illustration of Diana is […]
Forgotten Font Friday

A lovely type-related article from Atlas Obscura, chroniclers of the strange and wonderful. The Lost Typefaces of W.A. Dwiggins The pioneering designer created dozens of fonts, only a few of which are still around today. By CARA GIAIMO for Atlas Obscura
Fairbanks, Flagstaff, Fresno, Florida, Fairfield, Falmouth, Fayette, Fargo, Fort Worth Font Friday

Andy Murdock is co-founder of The Statesider: “The most interesting US travel stories, delivered directly to your inbox.” Here he writes about the 222 fonts he found with names associated with US places. The United Fonts of America Before 1984, I had never encountered the word “font.” Then a Macintosh computer showed up in my […]
F*cking Font Friday

Scunthorpe Sans, according to its promo material at Vole.wtf, is “[a] s*** font that f***ing censors bad language automatically.” The Vole.wtf page has a font generator, where you can input the foul words of your choice and see the censorship in real time (scroll down for an example of what it looks like). Indulge your […]
Family vs Variable Font Friday

The fearsome Hydra provides a handy illustration of current vs. future trends in digital typography. Current: typeface “families” with a different cut for each style: e.g. 8 pt/12 pt/ 18 pt, thin/regular/bold, condensed/regular/expanded, etc., and combinations thereof. (“Cut” refers to the metal type of yore, in which the master for each style was literally cut […]
Fonting while Queer Font Friday

In-person LGBTQIA+ celebrations may be cancelled this year, but a new(ish) typeface can soothe your wounds with rainbow colored strokes. Behold: the typeface “Gilbert.” [Update] I’m getting some formatting errors in this post, so here’s a link to the original article: https://www.typewithpride.com/ On 31 March, 2017, Gilbert Baker the creator of the iconic Rainbow Flag […]
“Murder Most Foul” Font Friday

A little bit of a reach for Font Friday today: “Foul” Font Friday (what I thought of first) -> “Murder Most Foul” Font Friday -> Hamlet typeface. In the play, the ghost of Hamlet’s father tells Hamlet that he has been a victim of “Murder most foul” by his own brother’s hand, moving the action […]
Fans Font Friday 2 – Klackin

Klackin Fans™, that is! Klackin Fans are awesome, rude, queer-themed fans with awesome, rude, queer-themed phrases on them (plus the odd 420 or political one) in mostly garish colors and with terrible font choices and kerning. They beg to be seen by huge crowds at a bar or festival, but that’s not possible anymore in […]
Fans Font Friday 1 – Flirtations

Apart from the small matter of the horrifying death and illness we see around us and in the media, by now we are all heartily *tired* of this pandemic. Whether we are stuck at home, stuck working, stuck taking on new household/schooling responsibilities, any combination thereof or—I hope not—stuck in bed with *any* ailment, a […]
Fur and Feathers Not-Font Not-Friday-Either

The human world is going to hell—if it’s not there already—but our animals still need us. No fonts today. Long post. TL;DR Walking your dogs and petting your cats (and other critters) helps both them and you I miss my kitty “socializing” at the SF SPCA The Fear Free® training program was helpful for me […]
Fonting While Female Font Friday

Golly gosh, folks, this Sunday, March 8 is International Women’s Day! Isn’t it neat that they let us ladies have a whole day to ourselves? And a whole month to ourselves too? One out of twelve is just nifty! In any case, I thought I’d celebrate the day’s novel status with some typography for this, […]