FLG Fundraiser Font Friday: “Mutant Zoo: Monster Ball 2023”

Taking us back a bit to May 2023 and the Mutant Zoo: Monster Ball event presented by the Flaming Lotus Girls and Heavy Petting Zoo, at 7th West in Oakland, CA. Twelve DJs! (DJ Icon was a late add and didn’t make it onto the artwork.) The HPZ art car! FLG’s “Mutopia” and “Angel of […]
Would you like some OWEOs?

This year at Burning Man I’m gifting OWEO cookies in little packs of 2! OREOs, in name-brand packaging, you say? Doesn’t that go against the Burning Man principle of Decommodification? No, OWEOs! I designed special PARODY labels and had them made into stickers to put on packages of the real thing. Who wouldn’t want the […]