Klackin Fans™, that is!
Klackin Fans are awesome, rude, queer-themed fans with awesome, rude, queer-themed phrases on them (plus the odd 420 or political one) in mostly garish colors and with terrible font choices and kerning. They beg to be seen by huge crowds at a bar or festival, but that’s not possible anymore in most places. They’d be great for a big Zoom call though, particularly if everyone had one and was snapping and fluttering it in unison/harmony to mutually-chosen music. If you do this, send me the link!

If you love the girls movie as much as we do you will know this was not a line in the movie. But this could easily have been a Regina quote. Pink background with original Regina Illustration with white/pink gradient lettering.

Remember the good ole days? This is MAGAY Country! Klack this fan loud enough to hear all the way to the White House. Full-color white house rainbow lit background with white lettering.
Be Proud AF! We at Got Pride! live by this motto and display it proudly when Klackin this fan! Dripping rainbow and black background with bold white lettering.

Klackin’ this fan lets them know you may be a bottom but you are in control tonight! Black background black ribs and white lettering and full color illustration.

MASH-UP! Queen B vs. the Girls. Who run this mutha? Girls! Sketched illustration of the Girls and B with rainbow fill filter. White background. White Rib. White lettering.