Brainpainting via computer frees expression for the paralyzed

By Nancy Owano from Credit: Pingo Ergo Sum project Heide Pfutzner is getting favorable recognition as an artist who has produced skilled, accomplished abstract paintings with their colorful shapes in electric-like blues, reds, pinks, and yellows, Her admirers not only appreciate her art but her determination as a paralyzed woman who paints by way […]
Super Simple Negative Space Animal Illustrations

By EDW Lynch from Designer George Bokhua cleverly takes advantage of negative space in these delightfully simple animal illustrations. For more of his work, check out his Behance portfolio. via Twisted Sifter
Macro Eye Photos Zoom in on Nature’s Complexity

By Jakob Schiller from Long-eared Owl For years Suren Manvelyan has been making extreme macro photos of both human and animal eyes, and he’s just released a new batch of purely animal eyes that are equally stunning. “I don’t think many people suspect there are so many interesting structures in the eye,” Manvelyan says. […]
Cuttlefish eyes

Just like it says, cuttlefish eyes.
Ghostly Ship Graveyards from Around the World

By Vincze Miklós from Where do boats go when they die? Sometimes they end up in vast ship graveyards, sometimes craggy, foggy places where ships have met their doom, and sometimes spots where ships are deliberately left to rust. There’s a quiet beauty to many of these graveyards and their resting inhabitants. The port […]