Researchers Put Sense of Touch in Reach for Robots

By John Markoff from the New York Times. (Scroll down for video.) Finding and recognizing objects by touch in your pocket, in the dark or among items on a cluttered table top are distinctly human skills — ones that have been far beyond the ability of even the most dexterous robotic arms. Rodney Brooks, a […]
Install Google Fonts on Windows or Mac for Faster Web Browsing

Windows/OS X: Google is now offering a convenient way to download Google Fonts, its 1,000+ collection of free, open-source fonts, to your desktop. Not only will your downloaded fonts sync to Google, they’ll also help load websites faster if they use those fonts. Although there are other ways to download Google Fonts to your computer, […]
Penguin Books has released new covers of five of George Orwell’s works

My personal opinion about the cover of Nineteen Eighty-Four: Beautiful conceptual design with its “redacted” look, but the type isn’t visible except when held in your hand, so the effect is completely lost on a bookstore shelf or online. By Mark Sinclair from CreativeReview: Brand new covers for five of George Orwell’s works feature in […]
Infographic: The 7 Types of Digital Marketers

Which are you? The Data Whiz, the e-Artiste, the Social Media Master, the Beta Tester, the Marketing Megaphone, the Old School Advertiser or the Snarky Marketer? Infographic by Optify.