HOW Design Live is divided into four distinct conferences, all taking place under one roof

At HOW Design LIVE, you’ll find everything you need to take your design expertise to a whole new level, including educational and career opportunities you simply can’t find in one place anywhere else. Make the kind of valuable business contacts that lead to great gigs. Find talented subcontractors or build a collaborative network you can […]
What the Heck Is P-Commerce?

By Lauren Indvik from First there was ecommerce, a term developed in the early ’80s to abbreviate “electronic commerce,” or sales made possible through electronic funds transfer (and later, the Internet). Since then, marketers have gleefully affixed various letters to the word “commerce” to describe sales (or the potential for sales) made through different platforms: […]
You’re Creating iPad Art Without Even Trying

By Stephanie Buck from Technology is becoming increasingly invisible. That’s impossible, you might protest — technology is more omnipotent than ever. It’s everywhere, and we can’t seem to go a day, much less an hour, without encountering it. But entire computer systems are shrinking down to spaces the size of decks of cards. Keyboards […]
Sinuous animal sculptures made from tires

By Benjamin Starr from It’s perhaps the very best and ethical way you could place an animal bust on your wall – Korean artist Yong Ho Ji uses recycled tires from all sorts of vehicles to create these incredibly dynamic sculptures. The shape of his medium is what leads to the sinuous curves of […]
Jan Chipchase was given the opportunity to try out Google Glass. He declined.

By Jan Chipchase from Hidden in Plain Sight at On Friday I was invited into Google Labs New York and given the opportunity to try out Glass. I declined to put on a pair. Here’s why. There are many people who are exploring what Glass could be, evaluating and providing feedback to Google, exposing […]