By The Daily Muse Editor at The Daily Muse:
When you think about women in tech, you probably instantly think Sheryl Sandberg, CEO of Facebook, and Marissa Mayer, President and CEO of Yahoo!. But there are plenty more women you should know about—women whose names you may have never heard before, but who truly shaped technology as we know it.
If you’re in the tech world (or want to be), check out this infographic to learn more about six female hacker heroes.

• Angela Byron, software developer and evangelist for the Open Source and Drupal movements
• Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, early female programmer and U.S. military leader
• Mary Lou Jepsen, founder and CTO of the nonprofit, open source One Laptop Per Child, a global program to provide children laptops for $100
• Radia Perlman, software designer and network engineer, known as the mother of the Internet for her invention of network routing and bridging protocols
• Janie Tsao, Taiwanese immigrant and programmer who cofounded Linksys with her husband from their garage