Nine Things The Squirrels Are Up To These Days

From Photographer Nancy Rose builds tiny sets in her back yard for squirrels to interact with. Then she lies in wait and takes hundreds of frames as they run around the sets. Anyway, this is what Nancy’s squirrels are up to these days. (Click on images for larger size.) [Full article] 1. Amateur leaf-painting […]
“Anthropocene”: Google Maps Imagery Rearranged into Compositions That Look Like Persian Rugs

From For his series, Irish artist David Thomas Smith created intricate abstract patterns out of Google Maps imagery of cities, industrial installations, and other man-made landscapes. The uncanny resemblance of the compositions to handwoven rugs is no accident—Smith was inspired in part by Persian and Afghan rug design. “Anthropocene” is on display at the […]
Mobile phones: 40 years of handsets in pictures

From the Guardian UK: As we reach the 40th anniversary of the first public mobile phone call, we look back at four decades of innovation, from the “brick” handsets of the 1970s and 1980s to today’s smartphones. Expert Mike Short says: “Since its first use 40 years ago, the mobile phone has completely changed our […]
Draw on an egg (or anything spherical) with this computer controlled art robot

From The Egg-Bot is an open-source art robot that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects from the size of a ping pong ball size to that of a small grapefruit — roughly 1.25 to 4.25 inches in diameter (4-10 cm). Super adjustable; designed to draw on all kinds of things that are normally “impossible” […]
Dazzling Ultra HD Aerial Video of the San Francisco Bay Area

From San Francisco, Alcatraz, and the rocky Northern California coastline are revealed in this dazzling montage of 4K Ultra HD aerial footage by production company Teton Gravity Research. Be sure to watch the stunning night photography in the latter half of the video. Teton Gravity Research created the video as a test of its […]