NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts seeks to fill a faculty position working at the intersection of art and technology

Are you an educator working at the intersection of art and technology? New York University’s ITP, the Interactive Telecommunications Program, may have a job for you for the 2013-2014 academic year. ITP is a full-time graduate program offering a Master of Professional Studies degree in interactive telecommunications. The department has a strong interest in the design […]
From Smashing Magazine, a social media images generator

Useful sizing and image generator for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and more — including less-common media such as Xing and Viadeo. Social Media Images generator, including avatars and profile images for various social networks. [Full article]
Valcamonica rock carvings brought to life in digital animations

Haunting artwork, chiseled into rock over a period stretching from 7,000 BC to the 16th century, has been digitized for an interactive display in the UK at the Cambridge University museum: On a screen at the Cambridge University archaeology museum, a 9,000-year-old stag yawns and stretches – only to collapse, pierced by a stone age […]
Steampunk Before Steampunk Existed: Charles Dellschau’s Fantastic Airships

Article in Slate.com’s history blog The Vault: Charles Dellschau, a Prussian immigrant who came to the U.S. in 1853, was a butcher who lived in Houston. He spent the years between the turn of the century and his death in 1923 working on these scrapbooks, which combined news clippings, text, and art in visions of […]
Astronaut Karen Nyberg will take art supplies to space

Admittedly I’m biased, but there’s not as much division between art and science as this article makes it sound. Nor is art necessarily the less “super-smart” side of a person, but this is nevertheless a good profile of astronaut Karen Nyberg and her artistic interests. Mention the words ‘NASA Astronaut’ and you’ll usually conjure up […]